A strong belief in human goodwill and unutilized human potentials brought me seven years ago to see an opportunity for using the Internet for global person-to-person giving and we started to create the social site CommonCollection, which I honestly think is a frame of hope.

One afternoon in 2007 in J.F. Kennedy Airport in New York I was waiting along with one of our 4 children, 13 year old Elisabeth, for our flight back to Copenhagen. We had enjoyed ourselves in the city, enjoyed its atmosphere and diversity. I had been meeting with people aiming to make improved medical and possibly psychological care available for everyone. As always after a few days in New York I felt inspired and full of hope. I bought myself a magazine, where I read about two journalists from respectively Newsweek and Washington Post, who had created a blog, where people could share and debate about issues that really mattered to them. The blog quickly became a great success with many viewers. This article together with another in the magazine about many people’s desires to volunteer became the beginning of CommonCollection. It was clear to me that we are many people, who yearn for unity with each other by sharing deep important issues and tasks. On the plane home I wrote the following:

The site is a way of satisfying the growing amount of people yearning for unity and for taking care of the planet. People who want a way of living on the planet that is socially aware and ecologically conscious.

The site helps people to connect in a deeper way and communicate and act accordingly about things that really matters to them.

It is a widespread perception that there is a need for improvement of social, human and environmental conditions. There are people suffering from poverty, inequality problems, wars, natural disasters, imbalances in financial systems and not least an endangered climate. Serious problems threaten our existence on the planet. Depression is the most comprehensive psychological problem in the western world of our time. Many people are tired, sad and exhausted.

Fundamentally is the realization of needs and unutilized potentials together with the growing amount of people yearning for unity and taking care of the planet strong parameters for taking advantage of new technology in the development of CommonCollection.

There is so much untapped human potential! CommonCollection makes it possible to utilize this untapped human potential and help people.

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